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Just look at that moderatly adequate looking gentleman to the left. That's me, Joe King, aspiring international man of leisure. Currently a student at HPU studying Cinematic Production I've set my sights on making it big some day in Hollywood. In fact, I like to think that this picture's pensive gaze slightly off to the left is staring down the location of my desired enterprise. If not, kindly turn your screen/ monitor in the appropriate direction to make it so.

What else... well, I would probably be considered a nerd by most metrics. I spend way too much time on the internet or watching television. When I'm not loafing around I do enjoy writing and am type-editing my first actual novel which will probably end up self-published at the end of September.

I don't really know how to end an introduction so I'll probably start rambling now. Seriously, you can stop reading now. If you're looking for any payoff at the end it's not coming. I mean it. Abandon all hope, ye who read on from here. Even if there was going to be some kind of a joke at the end it's already built up too much and wouldn't be worth this whole run around. Still here? Why? Oh well...



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